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In addition to written work, my medical work also contains presentations. There are two kinds of presentation amongst the work below – those labelled ‘Slideshows’ are hosted here on sjhoward.co.uk, and will pop-up and open for navigation through their contents. Those labelled ‘Google Presentations’ are hosted by Google, and will open full-screen, on Google’s site. Written documents are, as elsewhere, standard webpages.

I’ll be uploading more of my work as and when I get the chance. Please note the Copyright Licence which applies to everything on this site, and ensure that you comply therewith. And remember that I cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions in these slides. Nobody’s perfect, I’m only a student, and these bits of info do not constitute medical advice. No information about specific patients has been reproduced.

General Medicine

Elderly Care


Reproductive Medicine


Public Health

Other Stuff

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