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The Sky News Fight Club

Those lovely peeps down at Sky News have new music from today. But I have a question – are Sky News actually trying to become a Brass Eye style parody of themselves, or does it just kind of, well, happen?

First they get new jumbo-sized graphics with swishy sound effects every time one pops up. Then they start with the “Sky” thing. Other channels have a video wall…they have the Sky Newswall (Newswall as one word, of course, who needs a space?). Other channels have a telestrator…they have a Skystrator. Other channels have had helicopters for ever…Sky now have the Skycopter. Other channels have a newsroom…they have SkyCentre.

When they were covering the hot air balloon record attempt, they had full scale sandbox animations used in front of the newswall – I mean, they had an animated concorde flying about and an animated balloon above the presenter’s head in an attempt to demonstrate relative heights. In fact, it ended up looking like a scene from Mary Poppins.

And now, to complete the package, they have totally over-the-top, over-dramatic music, even moving away from that memorable musical “do, do do do, daaaah” hook that they used to use at the TOTH . Oh well.

In other news, I have become addicted to watching people via the power of interactive webcams . I don’t know why, but I can’t stop spying on people waiting for buses or eating their lunch in a park. Help me!

Just 12 days left until I move into my new Stockton-based university-flavoured accommodation.

I saw Fight Club for the first time last night, after JRC said I must watch it or die (admittedly, he said that about 12 months ago, but never mind). Maybe I’m special – I’ll admit that this is a possibility – but I thought that the “big twist” was HUGELY predictable. Having never seen the film before, I had correctly predicted it before we were even half way through. So whilst it was a good film, I was disappointed that I had it figured out so early on. I’m not even convinced that it was designed to be a twist, but more that you were supposed to work it out and then watch the lead character as he took the whole film to work it out.

It’s my brother-in-law’s birthday tomorrow. I really don’t know why you’d want to know that, but hey. That’s it from me for now…Bye!

Originally posted on The LBSC

This post was filed under: Media, Reviews.

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