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The plane that crashed into the Hudson… and medical safety

I don’t often post videos on here these days, but this one I really enjoyed. First Officer Jeff Skiles of the flight that ended up in the Hudson, and healthcare safety expert Terry Fairbanks lecture on what healthcare can learn from airline safety.

This post was filed under: Health, Scrapbook, Video, , , , .

Photo-a-day 157: Cloudscape


I’m cheating slightly today since this is a photo from yesterday, but I thought it was quite pretty. As Wendy and I flew from Belfast to Newcastle, the sun was setting and the sky looked lovely! Unfortunately, my photo’s a bit blurry, but the colours look nice.

This post was filed under: Photo-a-day 2012, , , .

Man complains about being hurried off a burning plane

One of the cabin crew panicked upon landing. She was screaming like a banshee – ‘Get off, get off’ – she was pushing people down the chute.

Tom Alrigde, complaining in a BBC News article about a member of cabin crew trying to evacuate a plane suspected of being on fire as quickly as possible. Yes, really.

This post was filed under: Diary Style Notes, Quotes, .

Photo-a-day 87: Heathrow Terminal 5


Last time I was in this terminal, a couple of years ago or thereabouts, was not long after it opened. It’s far busier today than it was then, though the large number of seats means that it’s still easy to rest one’s feet.

I’m here today for a domestic flight, which probably makes me an environmental disaster. I did come down to London this morning by train, but the cost of a train journey back up to Newcastle today was almost twice the cost of the flight. Even though it isn’t me paying, I feel uncomfortable spending others’ money unnecessarily, so I made the cost-conscious choice.

Train travel’s both more convenient and more environmentally friendly, but the crazy train fare pricing structure priced it out of the market for me today. That’s something that should be rebalanced. Why not impose a rail levy on all domestic flights to support development of the more sustainable form of transport and reduce ticket prices on trains? There may be good reasons why that doesn’t happen, but perhaps it’s worthy of consideration?

This post was filed under: Photo-a-day 2012, , .

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