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Photo-a-day 347: Sunderland University


This is the building I was heading to in Sunderland yesterday… I did eventually arrive!

This post was filed under: Photo-a-day 2012, .

Photo-a-day 316: Sunderland Aquatic Centre


Several people have suggested in the last few weeks that I should visit Sunderland Aquatic Centre, on the basis of its “incredible” facilities. So I have, and was duly impressed.

It’s the only 50m pool between Edinburgh and Leeds, and also has a set of 1m, 2m, and 5m diving boards above their own diving pool. Both pools have variable depths.

I’ve never seen a variable-depth pool “in the flesh” before, and was duly impressed! It was somewhat disconcerting to see toddler swims as happening in the diving pool until I realised that the depth is reduced to just 30cm for these sessions. It seems incredible that a 4m diving pool can be reduced to a depth of 30cm at a whim! It reminded me that when I’m a multi-millionaire, I want one of these in my mansion!

This post was filed under: Photo-a-day 2012, .

Photo-a-day 169: Tyne Riverside Country Park


I featured Weetslade Country Park as my photo-a-day picture in both April and May, as it’s probably our nearest Country Park.

Today’s picture comes from the Tyne Riverside Country Park, which is another green space owed to our industrial heritage – it’s another landscaped ex-colliery, but this one sits on the bank of the Tyne. It’s really quite lovely, and there are lots of picnic spots if you’re that way inclined. I imagine it gets pretty cold and windy in the winter, though!

I had thought that this was the third of the North East’s Country Parks that I’d featured, because I thought I’d featured Herrington Country Park back in February, but I actually gave that day over to the Penshaw Monument next door. So, for the purposes of boosting the numbers, here’s a shot of Herrington Country Park from 11th February, as seen from next to the Penshaw Monument (it’s the bit across the road).


As it’s Father’s Day, and dad’s a twitcher, I’ll point out that at Riverside you can see water rails, cormorants, and goosanders (according to the council); at Herrington, you might spot black terns or marsh warblers (according to the Fog Blog); and at Weetslade, you could see meadow pipits or grey partridges (according to the Northumberland Wildlife Trust). As a non-twitcher, I wouldn’t know any of those birds if they flew into me!

This post was filed under: Photo-a-day 2012, , , .

Photo-a-day 42: The Penshaw Monument (and a cow)


Wendy was quite insistent that today’s photo should feature one of the many cows we came across while out and about today, so I’ve included one in this shot (bottom left)!

And here’s another shot of the Penshaw Monument, a little closer up:


This post was filed under: Photo-a-day 2012, , , , .

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