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A Little Knowledge…

Knowing of JRC’s fondness for any product containing stillborn children, I thought that I would share with you the following information from one of today’s lectures…

Oil of Ulay was originally made from human placentas. And it’s still based on that formulation today. This disturbed me.

Many, if not most, of the perfumes on sale for women contain cervical mucus from animals, as this is (apparently) attractive to men. This disgusted me, but imagine how I felt when the lecturer announced that she used to use her own cervical mucus as perfume – she used to rub it on her neck and behind her ears. This made me feel physically sick.

I was originally going to frame this post in the context of further examples of ignorance, but, on reflection, I though it better to make the observation that a little knowledge can be very, very disturbing.

Originally posted on The LBSC

This post was filed under: University.

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