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BBC scoops party leaders for live TV first

It’s still unfortunate the Blair doesn’t have the courage of his convictions necessary to stand up to a live TV debate before the election, but at least this will bring us something close – a special live edition of Question Time, in which the party leaders will all partake – but separately from each other. Since the same audience will be used for each party leader, it’s going to be something like a debate via third-parties, and the success of the event will depend completely on the order in which the party leaders appear.

Clearly, this whole event will be unfair if the leaders simply appear one after the other, with the first not able to respond to the accusations of the second, and so-forth. Mr Blair will end up going last, telling lies (like the big £35bn lie), and the Conservative leader will not have a chance to respond. That’s clearly unacceptable. There has to be an opportunity for the non-participants in each round to reply to any accusations made, or the whole thing is simply a farce.

Having said all of that, this is clearly a major election coup for the Beeb, and they should be very proud that they’ve managed to bring it all together. I’ll certainly be watching: 28th April, 8.30pm, BBC One.

Other good news from Auntie this week includes the fact that This Week is going twice-weekly, now appearing on Mondays as well as Thursdays. Good news indeed.

This post was filed under: Election 2005.

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