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Photo-a-day 60: Wansbeck


Wendy’s new hospital home, from tomorrow.

This post was filed under: Photo-a-day 2014, Scrapbook.

Photo-a-day 59: Seaton Sluice

Seaton Sluice

Wendy and I had a lovely walk along the coast from Seaton Sluice to Whitley Bay today!

This post was filed under: Photo-a-day 2014, Scrapbook.

Photo-a-day 58: Diaphragm washer


Our toilet was playing up today. I managed to correctly diagnose a faulty diaphragm washer, remove it, and buy a successfully fit a new one, all without flooding the house. I think that’s pretty impressive for someone of my limited DIY experience!

This post was filed under: Photo-a-day 2014, Scrapbook.

Photo-a-day 57: Desk


This is where I seem to be spending an alarming proportion of my waking hours at the moment! It’s lucky that I enjoy working!

This post was filed under: Photo-a-day 2014, Scrapbook.

Photo-a-day 56: Marconi House

Marconi House

This post was filed under: Photo-a-day 2014, Scrapbook.

Photo-a-day 55: Dome

Dome of St Paul's

This post was filed under: Photo-a-day 2014, Scrapbook, , .

Photo-a-day 54: Corridor


This post was filed under: Photo-a-day 2014, Scrapbook.

Photo-a-day 53: Roar!


I’ve walked past this little critter on London Bridge at least 100 times over the past year, but never really noticed him until today!

This post was filed under: Photo-a-day 2014, Scrapbook.

Photo-a-day 52: The Morocco Store

The Morocco Store

This former Victorian warehouse which has been converted into apartments is just off Bermondsey Street in London.

This post was filed under: Photo-a-day 2014, Scrapbook.

Photo-a-day 51: Biscuit bowl


I very rarely buy biscuits, so being offered one after giving blood is always a treat. Today’s selection was sadly lacking in bourbons, though…!

This post was filed under: Photo-a-day 2014, Scrapbook.

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