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Defend our Yorkshire-men

From the BNP website:

1 million illegal immigrants are hiding in Britain. They are the sea in which Islamic terrorists swim. The cowards of the Lib/Lab/Con governments that have allowed them to enter and stay in this country over the years will never have the will or determination to remove them.

The fact that we all have to realise is that unless those 1 million illegal immigrants are removed from the country then we can never be safe again.

Fox News quoting President Bush:

We face a new enemy — this enemy hides in caves and plots in shadows … then emerges to strike in our cities and communities … in cold blood

The Beeb:

Police confirmed during a press conference that all four bombers were British born – three have been linked to the West Yorkshire area.

The houses in surburban Leeds might not be New York penthouses, but to call them ‘caves’ is a little harsh… and call me a ‘liberal apologist’ (BNP) if you must, but as much as people might not like Yorkshire-men, I really don’t think it’s fair to call them illegal immigrants and call for their deportation… 😉

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