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Happy birthday. We are throwing you out of Britain

This is worth a read: I certainly had no idea this kind of thing was going on.

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Comment from Anonymous

    12.50, 17/04/2005

This is the best way to deal with unwelcome immigrants.

Comment from sjhoward

    14.32, 17/04/2005

The article says:

His mother was shot dead for her political beliefs. So was his father. He was looked after by foster parents in London until he turned 18. Then he was locked up so that he can be ‘dumped’ abroad. Soon we’ll be doing this to 16-year-olds…

And you think that’s the best way to deal with unwelcome immigrants? Either you’re excessively harsh in your approach, or I’m just a soft-touch. But I wouldn’t allow kids in the country to grow up and then deport them once they’ve acheived that objective. Besides which, why would you let immigrants you perceive to be unwelcome into the country in the first place? And which immigrants do you perceive to be unwelcome? And, as I recall, isn’t this guy an asylum seeker rather than an immigrant?

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