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Hewitt: NHS has too many doctors and nurses

Everybody’s favourite giant-flower wearing government jester, Heath Secretary ‘Mad’ Patricia Hewitt, has pronounced that

some parts of the NHS in England have taken on too many doctors and nurses

That seems a bit of a sweeping statement to me. I think it’s important she’s more specific – exactly which hospitals have too many doctors and nurses? Presumably not the one in Wales, which has had to close its minor injuries unit due to a lack of staff. Presumably not Scotland, where current government estimates say there will soon be 500 too few GPs – a number the BMA beleives to be much higher. And presumably not England, where ambulances have been turned away from understaffed A&Es.

But they’re out there somewhere. And it’s important we find them. After all, we can’t go spending all the NHS money on silly extravagances like doctors and nurses when there’s marketing to be paid for.

So where are these wasteful hospitals? Dr Crippen’s looking for them. I want to know where they are. And I’m sure the electorate surrounding the identified hospitals will be interested.

So come on, Pat, tell us: Which hospitals have too many healthcare staff?

This post was filed under: Health, News and Comment, Politics.

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Comments and responses

Comment from ClickRich

    23.19, 24/11/2006

“Too many doctors and nurses doing the wrong thing” I would have nodded sagely at… but “too many doctors and nurses”? Very surprising.

Comment from sjhoward (author of the post)

    14.05, 28/11/2006

Indeed… but then, if there’s one thing Patricia Hewitt never is, it’s predictable. Congratulations on a great blog, there, too!

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28th December 2006.

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sjhoward.co.uk » Hazel Blears: The NIMBY minister

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28th January 2007.

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sjhoward.co.uk » For the good of us all, Blair must fall

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26th April 2007.

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sjhoward.co.uk » MTAS: Breaks spirits, breaks doctors, breaks the law

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