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IE7 Beta now publically available

Internet Explorer 7Just days after it was leaked, Microsoft have decided to publically realease he Beta 2 version of Internet Explorer. As a relatively recent Firefox convert, this release is designed to target people like me, and get me to switch back to Internet Explorer (as an aside, note that it’s now Windows Internet Explorer rather than Microsoft Internet Explorer). I’m downloading it as I type, and in the coming days I’ll no doubt post some of my thoughts on the latest IE experience. You should feel free to do the same – leave your comments or a link to them here if you want. But don’t feel obliged đŸ˜‰

This post was filed under: Technology.

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Comment from sjhoward (author of the post)

    02.06, 03/02/2006

I didn’t use it for very long, I have to say. While I like the nifty QuickTabs feature, the software is so buggy as to be unusable. Even considering it’s a Beta, it’s full of ’em.

Certainly for the moment, Firefox wins hands-down.

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