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New kid on the newsstand

New kid on the newsstand (Observer)

The only magazine I read on a regular basis (I am, in fact, a subscriber), is not Nuts. I cannot imagine why any self-respecting male would want to read that magazine. I would be embarrassed to be seen glancing at it on the newsstand, let alone buying it and reading it. It makes me ashamed to be one of the males of the species. If, indeed, I am the same species as the people who read this junk. I suppose it’s not really that junky, if you’re into that kind of thing… But I’m not.

Nor is it GQ. I don’t have the same level of aversion to GQ as I do to some of the other ‘male’ magazines, but I still don’t read it. But I wouldn’t think any less of someone who did, because I’m sure it’s something interesting to read when you want to give your brain a rest.

So now we’ve established that this post has, essentially, nothing to do with the article it’s linked to, I can tell you that the only magazine I read on a regular basis is The Week, which I thoroughly enjoy reading on a, erm, weekly basis. I suppose I also read the Student BMJ, but I’m not sure that counts as a magazine in this context. If I ever read anything else (which is a rare occurence), it’s generally either Word, or very occasionally one of the cheap computer mags (ComputerActive, WebActive, or Web User).

So there you have it.

This post was filed under: News and Comment.

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