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This is a political rant, and is therefore inherently boring. Feel free not to read it.

Patient Contracts with NHS

This is IMHO, the most stupid idea of all time. I’m talking seriously stupid. Refusing to treat fat people unless they agree to lose weight? Refusing to treat smokers unless they stop? Come on, what’s next – refusing to treat car crash victims unless they stop driving?

I for one am very anti-smoking, and, yes, it costs the NHS billions a year to treat smokers. It just so happens that smokers more than cover our expenses by being the most highly taxed people in the country. So why refuse them treatment? I may be anti-smoking, but I am not naive enough to think that heavy smokers can easily give up, and it’s not right to refuse them treatment because of it.

Virtually every case seen by a doctor is affected by lifestyle. If we go down this path, they’ll be nothing that ever gets treated for free. But at least we’ll have more cash for unjust wars.

Stupid Students

Regular readers of my rants will know my feelings on the Daily Mail. But please tell me how they can, in the space of a month, refer to students using the term ‘The best and the brightest’ in one article, and then use the headline ‘Students are Stupidest Ever’ in another? Maybe I’m just too stupid to understand…

Church of England getting power to fire gays

This is wrong. It shouldn’t happen. People’s lifestyle choices shouldn’t affect their jobs. And anyone who claims that it is wrong for gays to work in the Church because the Bible forbids sodomy should also be stoning prostitutes to death. It isn’t going to happen. If it could only accept the over-arching message of doing good to humankind the Church could once again become relevant and popular. Until it does, it is doomed.

UN team tours Iraq nuclear site

Can’t help feeling that if they’d been given the time to do this six months ago the world would be a better place.

Iraq Dossier Crap

We shouldn’t have gone to war, most people were against it, Bliar lies to try and convince us. Surprising? No.

But continuing to lie to cover up what happened, or if not lie then at least bend the truth, it’s stupid. Has he not learned from the fact that no-one knew whether he could be trusted before we went to war. How does he expect to win an election in two years’ time? Pixie magic? Or will he just ‘spin’ the results, saying that no-one voted for him but the 75% of the apathetic public who don’t get off their asses to vote clearly support him, so he should stay in power?! I wouldn’t be surprised.

You’re still reading this?

I’m surprised. I didn’t expect anyone to stay with me this far in. I’ve just got in a rant mood and I’m pretty much sure that most people will be bored by now. But you’re not, clearly. So I’ll finish with something positive…

Most Men Happy with Prosthetic Penis

70% of surveyed men who have had prosthetic penises (or “spongy body implants”) are happy with them, and over 50% successfully had sex within eight weeks of having the operation. That, I think, is really good news. We don’t often hear much about the prosthetic penis, maybe I should start a campaign to get the work more recognised. That’s a fantastic success rate, though I can’t help wondering about the other 30%…

Rant over for now…

Originally posted on The LBSC

This post was filed under: News and Comment, Politics.

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