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Nick Robinson defects

As widely predicted (even by me), Nick Robinson is on the move from ITV to the Beeb, as their new political editor. He’s not the person I would’ve chosen, but the only other real candidate is Martha Kearney, and she’s not a favourite of mine either – of the two, frankly I’d prefer Robinson.

But there’s a wider issue here, as Polly Toynbee points out in tomorrow’s Grauny: Robinson is yet another macho attack-dog of a politcal reporter, in an organisation full of them. Personally, I would prefer to see someone like Elinor Goodman as political editor. But clearly the decision has been made, and, no doubt, I’ll come to like Mr Robinson over time. Even if at the moment, I think he’s a bit useless – but that’s probably more to do with ITV that it is him. Hopefully.

Apologies for the slight technical hitch which meant that this post only appeared about 24hrs after it was supposed to – I clicked the wrong button!

This post was filed under: News and Comment, Politics.

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