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Paxman savaged by ‘attack dog’ Reid

I have said to you before that if you have a Phd and a posh accent from a school like yours, you are regarded as a sophisticate

The interesting words of John Reid on last night’s Newsnight, as he attacked Jeremy Paxman for some very unclear reason, before waving about a policy document, telling us eight pages of it were new material, and then attacking the Conservatives… without, once again, telling us what this new material is all about. I, with an above average interest in politics, still don’t know what Labour’s health plans are – all I know is that they don’t like the Tory plans. I have a much better grasp of Conservative plans, which seem sensible enough to me. So if I was choosing between Labour and the Conservatives purely on health issues I’d vote Conservative. But I’m not and I won’t. This does all begin to look like a pretty unsuccessful, excessively negative campaign by Labour, though, and is certainly giving the Conservative party the moral high ground just when Labour need it, after appearing so decietful and dishonest during their government. So, again, not good for Labour. In fact, I don’t think I’ve been able to write a post yet that been positive about the Labour campaign. Which can’t be a good sign for them, I wouldn’t have thought.

This post was filed under: Election 2005.

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