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Photo-a-day 269: Postcard from @readmatter


This is the postcard I received today from Bobbie Johnson, co-founder of a brilliant journalistic project I’m supporting called Matter. Perhaps a little bizarrely, I’ve also previously received a postcard from his partner, Anna Pickard, as part of her Snailr project a couple of years ago:

And I sent this postcard in return:

Anyway, there’s something a little odd and something a little lovely about having almost serendipitously exchanged three postcards with a couple I’ve never met. I used to read them both in The Guardian when I was at university, and have followed their articles, blogs, and latterly their Twitter accounts, ever since. In a strange way, I almost feel like I know them, having followed their move to the States and back, and the fairly recent birth of their son.

I hope that this doesn’t freak out either Bobbie or Anna if they come across it… they both seem like lovely people, and I’m a little worried that this post makes me sound a bit like a stalker…! I just thought it was quite a nice story for a rainy Tuesday night.

This post was filed under: Photo-a-day 2012.

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