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Photo-a-day 58: St George and St Athanasius Cathedral


A little while ago, my organist brother Glenn and his family came to visit. Pete McGovern may have said of Liverpool that “if you want a cathedral, we’ve got one to spare”, but I was able to impress Glenn by pointing out that Newcastle boasts three cathedrals – or two to spare, depending on how you look at it!

He was a little less impressed when I confessed an inability to name them – mainly because he wanted to look them up in the National Pipe Organ Register (such fun!)

So, especially for Glenn, I’m going to try and feature photos of all three of Newcastle’s cathedrals this week. Here’s the first: St George and St Athanasius Coptic Orthodox Cathedral in Fenham.

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28th February 2012.

This post has been referenced by another on this site:
sjhoward.co.uk » Photo-a-day 59: St Nicholas’s Anglican Cathedral

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29th February 2012.

This post has been referenced by another on this site:
sjhoward.co.uk » Photo-a-day 60: St Mary’s Catholic Cathedral

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