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Ringtone Frog’s Genitals Deemed OK for British TV

Well that’s one heck of an original headline from Reuters.

The story is even more intriguing:

Television adverts of the motorcycle-riding Crazy Frog, who is drawn with a broad smile and a tiny penis, run frequently on British television, amusing, baffling and annoying viewers.

I’ve not seen that advert much, but I have caught it a couple of times and I’ve never noticed a penis. So, in an effort to discover whether or not this was a hoax, I sought out a still image. And from this, it appears that the frog really does have his bits out.


Twenty-two people complained they were worried children might see the advertising, which also promotes screen savers and mobile videos. Five parents said they were embarrassed by questions their children had asked.

I have to say I’m surprised that so many people were moved to complain. But luckily, it would appear that there’s no problem with frogs genitalia being shown:

“While unusual for an animated model of this type to be shown with genitalia, no sexual or inappropriate references were made about its anatomy,” the UK’s Advertising Standards Authority said.

So there we go. And I bet there aren’t many websites out there where a frog’s bits and the Pope feature on the same page.

This post was filed under: News and Comment.

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Comments and responses

Comment from sjhoward (author of the post)

    12.59, 20/05/2005

Good news for the people who complained… the latest ads have the genitals censored with a big black box.

Comment from NICKI

    15.38, 22/05/2005

I think that the crazy frog is a brilliant ringtone and screensavers i dont know why people are complaining about,my 6 month cousin laughs at the crazy frog ringtones please reply to me and tell me what you think about what we wrote nicki

Comment from sjhoward (author of the post)

    22.09, 22/05/2005

I think you’re perfectly entitled to your opinion – but I personally find the ringtones incredibly annoying.

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