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Swing Update

Today’s swing figure:

» 3.27% swing to the Conservatives «

A weekend without campaigning has been quite damaging for Mr Howard, increasing Mr Blair’s predicted majority to about 102. However, with the election campaign stepping up a gear on Monday, and with no more predicted gaps in campaigning, Mr Howard should be able to build on his good results of last week. He just needs to keep up the pressure.

If this kind of figure continues, however, and proves not to be a minor blip, then there may have to be some big changes to the Conservative strategy. I’m fairly sure this is just as a result of the lack of weekend campaigning, though, so Mr Blair shouldn’t be getting too excited quite yet.

This post was filed under: Election 2005.

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Comments and responses

Comment from sjhoward

    20.10, 10/04/2005

I updated this post at 8pm to take into account the Observer/Mori poll I missed when calculating the figure this morning. Unfortunately, Labour’s seven point lead in that poll somewhat harmed the swing figure from the point of view of the Conservatives, but I’m sure they’ll be back on track before long. The original figure showed a swing of 4.23%.

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