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Tidying things up

Over the last week or so, you may have noticed a few changes on the site. First off, and perhaps most noticeably, the site’s ‘masthead’ has changed. The main aim of this exercise was to get rid of the old ‘design’, which was only ever really intended as a placeholder until I converted the original sjhoward.co.uk logo into something a little more respectable. What I’ve now ended up with is an amalgamation of features of both designs, which I think works quite well. As ever, your thoughts are also appreciated.

I’ve also tidied up the post title and information thingy, so that they’re now connected, and made some subtle positional changes with the sidebar and paragraph lines to make the posts stand out a bit more, and look clearer and less cluttered. Blockquotes have become rather lighter in every sense of the word, too.

The way comments are displayed has been tweaked, to make things a little clearer, and the sidebar has been lengthened with a few more things added, and archives fully expanded instead of hidden in a drop-down.

The changes are pretty small, but I think they generally improve the appearance of the site. If you think otherwise, then feel free to get in touch through commenting or email, and I’ll try my best to respond to your concerns.

In other good news, thanks to more advanced spam filtering, you now don’t need to enter any graphically displayed security code to post a comment on the site. This provides a major improvement for our visually impaired readers who use screenreaders, which makes commenting rather tricky since they can’t read the graphic. Hurrah!

This post was filed under: Site Updates.

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17th April 2006.

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sjhoward.co.uk » Tweaking the site design… again

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