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Two Things That Annoy Me, and One that Amused Me

One: People who constantly say “D’ya know what I mean?” OK, it’s a handy phrase on occasion, but incessant repetition makes me want to kill.

Two: Management, of anything. I have yet to have a positive experience of it. Hospital management: Somebody totally unqualified medically speaking makes decisions on medical policies. Homebase management: Mystery shopped, scored 75%ish for employee presentation, and only 25%ish for Staff Availability. Solution – a sign is put up in the staff room: “Anybody who ‘forgets’ their name badge will be sent home without pay to get it”.

One: There used to be a weather presenter on News 24 who signed off with “That’s the weather…for now”. On his last broadcast before he left, he said “That’s the weather…FOREVER”, and ran off the screen with an evil laugh.

That’s all for now.

Originally posted on The LBSC

This post was filed under: Homebase.

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7th May 2012.

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sjhoward.co.uk » Nine years of blogging, and the permanence of it all

Comment from Ilir

    13.41, 01/01/2013

Total eclipse of the moon on December 10, 2011 can be seen from the wsrteen and northern parts of North America. In fact, the whole eclipse from beginning to end will be visible from Alaska and northwest Canada.

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