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No-one quits quicker than a Kilroy quitter

Robert Kilroy-Silk First, he quit his TV show before the BBC pushed him. Then he quit UKIP before the leadership pushed him (leading me to say “Surely this idiot has finally lost every scintilla of credibility he ever had”). Now, he’s quit his own party, set up only six months ago, before the membership pushed him. Oh, and now he’s being encouraged to quit as an MEP. It’s probably for the best. We couldn’t have him breaking with form. And to think, I called him a ‘delusional fool’ when he said he’d change the face of British politics. Could I have been more wrong? 😉

When he joined UKIP, Kilroy said:

[People are] fed up with being lied to … fed up with being patronised by the metropolitan elite

At the launch of his party, Kilroy said:

People are fed up with the old parties and lies and deception.

Today, he said:

[T]he electors are content with the old parties and … it would be virtually impossible for a new party to make a significant impact

It’s good to have a fun story in a month that’s been so difficult. And Kilroy is certainly nothing more than a figure of fun.

The question now is: Where does Kilroy go next? Will he quit politics altogether? Perhaps he’ll become the new face of Orange.

This post was filed under: News and Comment, Politics.

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11th January 2006.

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sjhoward.co.uk » Why Charlie’s a ‘quitter’

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