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Jamie Oliver: Get Dead

This is not some satirical comment on the ‘celebrity’ chef, but a rather wonderful book by someone of the same name, which I would highly recommend. I’ve just enjoyed every page, from cover to cover, over a couple of days. It’s a fantastic amusing romp through death, people’s opinions on it, stats relating to it, and the practicalities of what to do when someone dies.

Yes, I know that sounds depressing and weird. But it really is a good book, full of inspirational quotes and not depressing in the slightest. It also has masterful photography by Cristian Barnett, who’s name should really be up there on the front – without his contribution, this book wouldn’t really work (if you’re not familiar with him, check out his website).

Did you know, for example, that five times more people commit suicide in the UK than die in Road Traffic Accidents? And doesn’t that make you think that something, somewhere, is wrong with funding in this country? If you need a reminder of the current state of mental health funding in this country, look here.

But let’s not get me started on that particular rant. Buy this book. You can get hold of it very cheaply through Amazon, and it’s well worth it.

This post was filed under: Book Club.

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Comments and responses

Comment from sophie

    14.30, 17/07/2007

i know it might sound strange but i want to get hold of the dead some times
and i think it is intresting all the time xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Comment from sophie

    14.32, 17/07/2007

it might sound strange but i think it is fasanating to speak to the dead and you feel more confidant and there is nowt to feel embarased about or scaredxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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31st August 2008.

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sjhoward.co.uk » Summer Books: Get Dead by Jamie Oliver

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