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2D: Chernobyl

In this new series of 2D posts, I’ll be picking two interesting articles which look at an issues from two different perspectives. Sometimes, they will be “for” and “against” a particular issue or concept, but more often they will just look at something in two totally different ways. I enjoy reading things in this way as I think it gives a more rounded perspective: I hope you will agree.

My first selection in this series is a pair of articles about Chernobyl, the site of the worst nuclear reactor disaster to date. The first article I’ve chosen is by Andrew Hankinson, who wrote in Wired about efforts to contain the nuclear reactor. The old sarcophagus around the reactor is falling to bits, and this article talks about the challenges of building the New Safe Confinement around the old sarcophagus.

For a second perspective on Chernobyl, I’ve picked a rather older article from the Guardian, by Imogen Wall. This truly fascinating story documents the “disaster tourism” that has built up around Chernobyl, and follows the writing on a day trip to see the reactor and the ghost town.

2D posts appear on alternate Wednesdays. For 2D, I pick two interesting articles that look at an issue from two different – though not necessarily opposing – perspectives. I hope you enjoy them!

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