Man freed after Kilroy slurry attack
By way of an update on my earlier post, I just thought I should blog this article.
As much as I condemn the pouring of slurry over public figures, or indeed public idiots, I think Kilroy has somewhat oversold his case:
As a result of an unprovoked attack, I am now very apprehensive about future public appearances and worried about my personal safety.
I dread to think what the consequences could have been if the person had been in possession of a knife or other lethal weapon.
My wife and daughter have been extremely upset about the incident and my wife is considering ‘risk assessment’ to reduce the risk of future incidents occurring.
If he worries that much over a bit of poo, I really hope he doesn’t get into any serious political power. He clearly has no sense of proportion. And I can’t believe that my 300th post has been spent commenting on this wally.
This post was filed under: News and Comment.