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As promised, I’m now going to compare how I would’ve voted in what are considered to be the twenty-one key votes of the Labour government with how the Liberal Democrat Leader voted. For full explanations of why I would’ve voted the way I have stated, refer to the earlier post. Remember, Mr Blair matched my opinions on a pathetic three occasions, and Mr Howard on a poor ten. So that’s what Charlie has to beat.

Cutting Lone Parent Benefit (10th Dec 1997)
This motion was an attempt to block the government’s plans to cut lone parent benefit.
I would have voted FOR this motion.
Charles Kennedy voted FOR this motion.

Military Action against Iraq (17th March 1998)
This was a motion to allow military action to be taken against Iraq should peace attempts fail.
I would have voted FOR this motion.
Charles Kennedy voted FOR this motion.

Cuts in Student Funding (8th June 1998)
This was a motion to oppose the government’s plans to cut student funding.
I would have voted FOR this motion.
Charles Kennedy voted AGAINST this motion.

Age of Consent (22nd June 1998 and 10th Feb 2000)
This was a motion to lower the age of consent for homosexual sex to sixteen.
I would have voted FOR this motion.
Charles Kennedy voted FOR this motion.

Incapacity Benefits Means Test (10th May 1999)
This was a motion to oppose the government’s plans to introduce means testing for incapacity benefit.
I would have voted FOR this motion.
Charles Kennedy voted FOR this motion.

Freedom of Information Legislation (5th April 2000)
This was an ammendment to extend the scope of the Freedom of Information bill.
I would have voted FOR this motion.
Charles Kennedy voted FOR this motion.

Ban on Hunting with Dogs (17th Jan 2001)
This was a motion to ban hunting with dogs.
I would have voted AGAINST this motion.
Charles Kennedy voted FOR this motion.

Afghanistan Airstrikes (11th Nov 2001)
This was a motion against the government’s backing for airstrikes on Afghanistan.
I would have voted FOR this motion.
Charles Kennedy voted AGAINST this motion.

Anti-terrorism Legislation (21st Nov 2001)
This was a motion to give the government the right to detain foreign terrorists without trial.
I would have voted AGAINST this motion.
Charles Kennedy voted AGAINST this motion

Single Faith Schools (6th Feb 2002)
This was a motion to require faith schools to take 25% of pupils from other backgrounds.
I would have voted AGAINST this motion.
Charles Kennedy voted FOR this motion.

Hunting with Dogs (18th Mar 2002)
This was a motion to completely ban hunting wild animals with dogs.
I would have voted AGAINST this motion.
Charles Kennedy voted FOR this motion.

Licensing of Hunting (18th Mar 2002)
This was a compromise measure to allow foxhunting under licence.
I would have voted FOR this motion.
Charles Kennedy voted AGAINST this motion.

Adoption (4th Nov 2002)
This was a motion to allow unmarried and gay couples to adopt children.
I would have voted FOR this motion.
Charles Kennedy voted FOR this motion.

UN Resolution 1441 (25st Nov 2002)
This was a motion to limit the justification for war with Iraq without UN sancation.
I would have voted FOR this motion.
Charles Kennedy voted FOR this motion.

House of Lords (4th Feb 2003)
This was a motion to introduce a fully elected House of Lords.
I would have voted AGAINST this motion.
Charles Kennedy voted FOR this motion.

House of Lords (4th Feb 2003)
This was a motion to introduce a fully appointed House of Lords.
I would have voted AGAINST this motion.
Charles Kennedy voted AGAINST this motion.

Foundation Hospitals (7th May 2003)
This was a motion opposing the introduction of Foundation Hospitals.
I would have voted FOR this motion.
Charles Kennedy voted FOR this motion.

Hunting with Dogs (30th June 2003)
This was a motion to completely ban hunting with dogs.
I would have voted AGAINST this motion.
Charles Kennedy voted FOR this motion.

Top-up Fees (27th January 2004)
This was the bill which included plans for variable student tutition fees.
I would have voted AGAINST this motion.
Charles Kennedy voted AGAINST this motion.

Hunting with Dogs (15th Sep 2004)
This was a bill to bane foxhunting and hare coursing.
I would have voted AGAINST this motion.
Charles Kennedy voted FOR this motion.

ID Cards (20th Dec 2004)
This was the bill introducing ID cards.
I would have voted AGAINST this motion.
Charles Kennedy voted AGAINST this motion.

Out of a possible twenty-one, Charles Kennedy scores twelve – easily the best score out of the three major political party leaders. Not only that, he also managed to vote on every single one of my top issues, and where we disagreed it tended to be on issues of conscience (such as hunting) rather than those of policy.

So, if I judged purely on history, I would clearly be voting for the Liberal Democrats at the next General Election. But there’s a long way to go yet (I expect), and there’s plenty of opportunity for me to change my mind…

This post was filed under: Election 2005.

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