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aMazing new phone launches today

aPhoneToday, AQA 63336 (my part-time employers) are launching a brand new concept in mobile phones, with the aPhone (click here for the Press release).

This incredible device, costing only £1 and compatible with all mobile networks, can answer any question posed. In tests, it correctly answered over 5 million questions, and is being compared to the ‘Guide’ in the Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy. Customers can test the mobile’s answering capabilities through this page on the AQA website.

This represents a huge leap forward in mobile technology, and at an RRP of just £1, it’s likely to take the mobile world by storm. So make sure you get down to your local mobile phone retailer today, because this amazing new phone is sure to sell out fast.

This post was filed under: News and Comment, Technology.

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Comments and responses

Comment from James Escritt

    09.22, 01/04/2007

Had me and the band fooled for a moment,then we looked at the date.
April 1st. Nice one !!!
Keep a look out for the band ,they are going places.

Comment from Coire

    12.15, 01/04/2007


Trackback from elsewhere on the site

2nd April 2007.

This post has been referenced by another on this site:
sjhoward.co.uk » Yup, aPhone was aPhoney

Comment from James Escritt

    08.23, 17/08/2008

There is absolutely no truth in the rumour that I am a piss artiste.
If people persist in spreading this I will have no option but to instruct my solicitor

Mr Rikki Shagnasty of
Sue,Grabbit & Run

Good Day

Comment from Milzz :) x

    10.08, 12/12/2008

wow 🙂

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