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Big Brother: Any more contestants?

Shahbaz and DawnFirst Shahbaz went nuts, and now Dawn’s done a Nick and been thrown out for rule breaking. Tomorrow, another’s going to be thrown out because, hell, we don’t like them.

So we’ve already got fourteen housemates, one more’s going in through a Kit Kat promotion, and there’s two more to go in to replace the two that’ve been kicked out. After one week, we’re up to sixteen housemates. Then there’s eleven housemates from series one, eleven from series two, fourteen from series three, thirteen from series four, thirteen from series five, sixteen from series six, plus thirty-three ‘celebrity’ contestants. That’s 127 Big Brother Housemates. Another eight from Teen Big Brother takes the total to 135.

Surely there can’t be that many more people who want to go in? Everyone knows that the majority of the contestants are treated cruelly on the show, and then ridiculed by the press, before fading to obscurity. We have the experience of 135 people to tell us that. I wouldn’t know Tania Do-Nascimento, Herjender Gosal or Lynne Moncrieff if I fell over them in the street. Why would anyone put themselves through all that?

This post was filed under: Media, News and Comment.

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Comments and responses

Comment from spamdot

    15.14, 10/02/2007

no spam


Comment from Daniel

    10.59, 31/05/2007

I would like to go on big brother

Comment from sjhoward (author of the post)

    22.34, 04/06/2007


Comment from david brazier

    19.30, 19/09/2007

hi bb
love david brazier

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