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Angry Little Men: A Response

Here’s something strange: I was in the Stephenson halls at Durham last year. And whilst I have no idea what a ‘house manager’ is, I’m assuming it’s like a porter – who thought that I was insane. And still does.

As for lifts, I can’t believe that getting stuck in one made the papers. It happens all the time here. Just get everyone to jump at the same time. People do it all the time.

I got fined £15 for leaving stains on my carpet. Which was actually nothing to do with me, they were there when I arrived. But never mind.

Anyway, now I’m snuggled up in my Happy House instead of halls. It’s SO much nicer and more comfortable. Even if it does mean I now have to get up before ten to nine.

Anyway, it just seemed weird that there was a freaky LBSC connection there.

Originally posted on The LBSC

This post was filed under: Miscellaneous.

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