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Brown’s record-breaking nose-picking

I’ve just noticed that my (infamous) YouTube video of Gordon Brown picking his nose has now been viewed over half a million times – 581,610 times to be precise – on YouTube alone. That’s on top of it’s appearance on Newsnight, and pretty much everywhere in 2007. It’s had 2,584 comments – more than the rest of the site put together.

It’s quite clearly the most successful thing ever to come from this site: A video of someone picking their nose. Crazy!

This post was filed under: Diary Style Notes, Politics, Site Updates, , , .

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Comments and responses

Comment from Craig

    22.05, 21/10/2010

Is it your video? thanks for sharing it with us on Youtube.

Comment from Craig

    22.06, 21/10/2010

Is it your video? thanks for sharing it with us on Youtube. PR Agency

Comment from sjhoward (author of the post)

    11.21, 23/10/2010

It’s my original edit of the standard Parliamentary feed, so I guess that makes it my video…

Comment from Craig

    15.34, 25/10/2010

Thanks, awesome.

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I'm not taking comments on my blog any more, so I'm afraid the opportunity to add to this discussion has passed.

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