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Desktop app of the week: Evernote

Evernote icon

My life runs on Evernote. Evernote is my virtual filing cabinet, which contains both my work and my life. Evernote means that I can access important documents from anywhere – including my iPhone and iPad. It means that I don’t lose scraps of paper, either because things never make it to paper, or because I scan and upload to Evernote. Evernote means that I can search everything, including all of my scanned documents via OCR. And Evernote is fast, reliable, and has a generous free provision (though I pay for extra storage).

The best bit about Evernote is that it allows me to appear far more organised than I actually am. If anybody ever asks if I have a copy of something, I almost always know that the answer is yes, and I can find it in seconds with a simple search. That’s something that my haphazard filing system (comprising mainly a pile of documents on my desk) could never achieve.

I know that many people are evangelical about Dropbox for similar reasons to my Evernote evangelism. I understand why people love Dropbox, and I use it myself (mainly for backing up certain files that aren’t in my Evernote), but Evernote is something slightly different. I could replicate my Evernote organisation with a hierarchy of folders, but it wouldn’t feel the same, mainly because it would be displayed differently. I like that a note can contain multiple files as well as text – admittedly, a folder could do the same, but not in the same integrated way.

I was very sceptical about Evernote at first, but thought I’d give it a go. I was sold mainly on the search and anywhere-access capabilities, but have come to appreciate the whole way Evernote works. I’d strongly suggest giving it a go, and seeing if Evernote might just fit into your life and workflow.

This post was filed under: Favourite desktop apps, Technology, , , .

Desktop app of the week

I frequently recommend some of the apps I use on my Mac to other people, and generally get a positive reaction. However, I’ve never really written about them on this blog.

From tomorrow, that changes. For the next few weeks, I’ll be writing about a different desktop app that I love each week. It will appear online on a Wednesday morning, and will continue for as long as I have an app in mind that I use regularly, really love, and want to recommend (about ten weeks, I imagine). I hope you’ll enjoy it.

I’m also working on my “personal canon”, inspired by Robin Sloan’s excellent Fish (and David Cole’s excellent example). That won’t include apps, but I am planning to include books, music, and television alongside weblinks. That’s probably a few weeks away from being finished (or, as finished as the first iteration will ever be), so keep an eye out for that.

This post was filed under: Diary Style Notes, Favourite desktop apps, Technology, .

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