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Last chance to sponsor my 10k swim for Marie Curie Cancer Care

This post was filed under: Diary Style Notes, Sponsored Swim 2012.

Photo-a-day 110: Swimathon certificate


I forgot to upload this yesterday – oops!

So yesterday’s photo-a-day is my Swimathon certificate. If you still haven’t sponsored me, please do! Marie Curie Cancer Care and I would be grateful for any donation, no matter how small. You can give at http://sjh.im/SimonSwim until 29th April 2012.

Thanks for your support!

This post was filed under: Photo-a-day 2012, Sponsored Swim 2012.

Swimming Challenge Videoblog: I’ve done it!

This post was filed under: Sponsored Swim 2012, Video.

Swimming Challenge: Second Video Blog

This post was filed under: Sponsored Swim 2012, Video.

Swimming Challenge: First Video Blog

This post was filed under: Sponsored Swim 2012, Video.

I’m going to swim 10k. Yes, really. Please sponsor me!


As you’ll see from the above video, I’ve agreed to swim 10k in just over two weeks for Marie Curie Cancer Care. Please sponsor me!

10k is a long way – for those of you in London, it’s roughly the same as swimming along the Thames from the London Eye to the Millennium Dome. It’s 400 lengths of my local pool.

So, please sponsor me! If you gave just 5p per length, that’d be £20, or enough to pay for an hour of nursing care for a terminally ill patient. Even £1 – 1p for every 10m – would pay for a patient information pack.

If you’re still not convinced, look at the video below which explains a small part of the work that Marie Curie nurses do.


I’ll give you regular updates on my progress over the next couple of weeks.

Thanks for your support.

This post was filed under: Sponsored Swim 2012, Video.

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