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Room for improvement on disability services

This post was filed under: Notes, Writing Elsewhere.

HIV: A justifiable cause du jour?

This post was filed under: Notes, Writing Elsewhere.

‘Why I’m proud to study on Teesside’

This post was filed under: Notes, Writing Elsewhere.

Now featuring on Gazette Live

Gazette LiveYou can now read this stuff what I write in other places. Wooooo!

I’m now also writing for a collection of Gazette Community websites, which are linked in with the local Trinity Mirror’s Teesside local newspaper title, the Evening Gazette. I’m writing for several different ‘Communities’, under the title ‘Simon Says…’. I’ll post a quick link on this site every time I post something new on that one, just in case you happen to be interested enough to click through.

This post was filed under: Site Updates, Writing Elsewhere.

Does this G8 summit matter?

The G8 is one of the few groups which truly has the power to change the world at the stroke of a pen. But, despite their huge wealth, they won’t.

Even if these largely Westernised countries offer enormous aid to those most in need, their inability to see the world from the eyes of the desperate will hinder any attempt to help: They are far to focused on Western cultures and ways of approaching problems to provide genuine solutions. They can’t even agree that condoms are the best way of preventing the spreading of HIV, despite mountains of evidence proving this, so how on Earth do they hope to tackle the far trickier problems of poverty?

But just because these countries can’t get together and change the world for the better doesn’t mean that we should write the G8 off as useless. However unproductive, argumentative, and ineffective the meetings are, we should celebrate the fact that at least these eight leading nations are co-operating and even holding meetings in an age of cynicism, distrust, and warfare.

Achievements aren’t everything. The symbolism is just as important. That’s why, now more than ever, the G8 summit really matters.

Originally written for Channel 4 News

This post was filed under: News and Comment, Politics, Writing Elsewhere.

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