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Christmas Number One? Just for me?

Peter Andre and JordanSome are supporting The Hoff to become Christmas Number One – but I’m tipping Peter Andre and Jordan. Yep, the duo have recorded ‘A Whole New World’, from Disney’s Aladdin. Click on the play button if you’ve got four-and-a-half minutes to waste.


Now, if you’ve stopped listening at the Peter bit, you’ve finished too early. Keep listening. He might be cringeworthy, but at 1:11, she starts. Earplugs at the ready.

At the moment, it’s only destined to appear on an album of covers. But I beg of the producers, please release it!

This just has to be Christmas Number One.

Read the full story in the Australian Daily Telegraph.

This post was filed under: Miscellaneous.

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Comments and responses

Comment from Kathy

    21.20, 19/10/2006

I cannot believe they would actually release this.They would be shouted off the karioke at the pub at 11pm on a Saturday night.

Comment from sjhoward (author of the post)

    21.25, 19/10/2006

The version to be released has been been ‘digitally remastered’, as it was for their performance on Children in Need. Allegedly.

A spokesperson for Jordan has now claimed the version above is a fake (as noted on the original article) – though the genuine article, as on the above link, isn’t an awful lot better…

Comment from Anonymous

    13.01, 06/12/2006


Comment from sjhoward (author of the post)

    19.08, 06/12/2006

A wonderful demonstration of the smiley feature, there!

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