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Conservative leadership ‘race’

Ken Clarke’s dreams of becoming the Conservative leader have been dashed this evening, as he’s been knocked out of the Tory leadership race (I’m using the word ‘race’ in the loosest possible sense). That’s a Good Thing TM, because he’s not someone to whom I’ve ever particularly warmed. But then, frankly, I’m not that fussed about the other three either. Clearly none of them seem strong enough to be PM, and to be honest none of them even strike me as a partciularly good leader of the opposition… So when David Cameron wins it, don’t be surprised if I’m rather critical for a change 😉

But the best part about this story is Ken’s comment:

I think it sends a message that they are looking for a younger leader probably, but I don’t think my age was remarkably relevant

Translated: Err, I didn’t win cos they want a young bloke innit, but, I dint do nuffink gov, the fact I ain’t young had nuffink to do wiv it

Condensed: Yeah, but no, but yeah

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