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Disney doggy demotion shock

PlutoAs Mickey Mouse’s animated doggy friend, he entertained generations of children. But in a scandalous move, Disney have now demoted him from being a classically planet-sized celebrity – with his own shows and lines of clothing – to a minor dwarf, taking Snow White’s total to eight.

It’s pure speculation, but this could have something to do with the circulating rumours that he and Mickey have never buried the hatchet since the 1930s incident dramatised in ‘Chain Gang’ where Pluto chased Mickey, when the latter escaped from prison. He then became Minnie’s pet, before becoming Mickey’s own pet some years later.

Pluto has also had short spells in the care of Donald Duck, but it would appear that even this friend refused to take him back on this occasion, leaving him to become one of the dwarves in the care of Snow White. The reason for rejection by his closest friends is clouded in mystery, but could be due to repeated sexual indiscretion, drug addiction, or alcoholism: Rumours of all three have been circulating in media circles for decades, largely thanks to his surprising and unexpected absence from Mickey’s Christmas Carol in 1983.

Due to a difficult childhood, Pluto has been mute throughout his adult life, unlike his fair-weather friend Goofy. It’s thought that this latest rejection won’t help heal the psychological scars left from his early years.

Pluto’s son, Pluto Junior, and brother, KB, are not thought to be joining the ranks of the dwarves at the present time.

Oh, and there’s something about a planet not being a planet in the news, too. Don’t know what all that’s about.

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