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Even more Ignorance

From the new series of Fort Boyard on Challenge …

– Jodie Marsh: Arrange these two groups of letters to form a word — CHED and PIT.
– Team: Chedpit.

Marketing spiel at the Design Museum in London:

After the tragedy of the 11 September attacks and the Afghanistan war, Jerszy Seymour decided to design a seat which would give the world a great big hug and bring everybody together. The result was Muffdaddy. Made from machine washable denim covers with removable polyurethane cushions, Muffdaddy is easy to clean and maintain.

And my personal favourite, knowing my thoughts on the Daily Mail, quotes from Lynda Lee-Potter’s column before and after Diana’s death…

“The sight of a paunchy playboy groping a scantily-dressed Diana must appal and humiliate Prince William… As the mother of two young sons she ought to have more decorum and sense. She has for many years criticised Prince Charles for being a distant, undemonstrative father. In the long run he’s been the more responsible parent and certainly inflicted less damage, anguish and hurt.”
— Lynda Lee-Potter, Daily Mail, 27 Aug.

“Throughout their childhood she gave her sons endless loving cuddles… She adored her children.”
— Lynda Lee-Potter, Daily Mail, 1 Sept.

Originally posted on The LBSC

This post was filed under: Media.

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