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Hain: Vote for the Lib Dems and you will risk a Tory victory

It amazes me that Peter Hain can write a comment piece in a broadsheet newspaper telling us not to vote for the nasty parties, who have all these terrible plans, and yet still fail to mention, even once, what Labour would do differently. There isn’t a single mention of Labour’s future policies in this article. There’s a fair bit of selective picking-and-choosing of the best bits of what Labour has acheived in the past, but not a hint of the future. And only one fleeting mention of their party leader – which is more than he gets on the Labour party homepage, where (once again) the only party leader pictured is Michael Howard.

The best bit is where Mr Hain decides that he’d like to tell me what I believe:

The truth is, even our most ardent Guardian critics agree with 95% of what Labour has done, in particular building the strongest economy in living memory and record public investment.

If Labour wins on a campaign of ‘Everyone else is mean, vote for us’ then it’s going to make the British public as foolish as were the Americans for voting for George Bush. Unless Labour step-up their game, they’re just going to look increasingly silly, and lose an election that six-months ago they had in the bag.

This post was filed under: Election 2005.

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