Kilroy and the Gypsies
How can you not love this picture of him?
In other news, he’s apparently touring the country speaking to gypsies for a Channel 4 documentary this week. And he’s refusing to speak to the media. This seems slightly strange to me: A ‘politician’ who left UKIP because they suddenly ‘went quiet’ has set up his own party and, erm, gone quiet.
And what is this doing on the website of a ‘straight-talking party’:
The Daily Mail are running a poll in which the question is:
‘Would you vote for Robert Kilroy-Silk’s Veritas party?’
Currently the findings are that 32 % say that they would vote for Veritas.
The latest yougov Poll on voting intentions is as follows:
Labour 42%
Conservative 30%
Lib. Dems. 21%
Others 7%Assuming that Veritas were to take it’s votes equally from all parties then Veritas would top the polls!
The revised figures would be:
Veritas 32%
Labour 28.56%
Conervatives 20.4%
Lib. Dems. 14.28%
Others 4.76%
“Assuming that Veritas were to take it’s votes equally from all parties”?!? Because, of course, that’s likely. 🙄
This post was filed under: Politics.