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Make Poverty History

You will probably have noticed the appearance of the MakePovertyHistory white band on the site. I plan to keep it there for the rest of the year, to show my support for this particular campaign, which I have been following closely since Christmas.

Regular readers will know that I’m normally quite cynical about large charity events, but it’s worth noting that the MakePovertyHistory campaign does not want money, it simply wants to raise awareness of an issue, and garner public support for a very worthwhile cause. I urge you to visit the website, read about the campaign, and, if you think it is worthwhile, then show your support.

This post was filed under: Miscellaneous.

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Comments and responses

Comment from sjhoward (author of the post)

    16.31, 19/05/2005

As something of a footnote to this post, The Observer has now come out as the first national newspaper in support of the campaign. Good on them.

Comment from Kevan

    12.35, 04/06/2005

I am trying to get the Radio One listeners on the track with Scott Mills ‘eh dirty boy’ campaign; and lots of info about Africa and the Make Poverty History campaign. It is in its infancy, about a day old, but may catch peoples imagination.

I support World Vision personally, but stuff like this needs to be spread to a wider audience; and particularly to the youngsters who can make a difference; even if it doesn’y happen this year. Visit dirtiboy.com, it is a clean site.


Comment from sjhoward (author of the post)

    02.00, 05/06/2005

It is indeed a ‘clean’ site, and some of it makes for interesting reading. This particular quote, though…

Where is Africa? It’s just below Spain and Italy.

…could possibly do with some reworking, as it sounds a bit like Africa is of a similar size to Spain or Italy – rather than over 20% of the world’s land area. I don’t know why, but I found that quote really funny. I think that’s more as a result of my slightly screwy head than the actual quote, though.

Comment from Kevan

    21.35, 10/06/2005

Thanks for the feedback. I have added a link to this excellent site in my new Blogger – it is an attempt to get into RSS feeds and get people reading something useful rather than a lot of the non-free commercial stuff out there.
On the Gideons and MRSA question; where do we stop? Do we ban visitors, patients, even staff from hospitals to stop the spread of MRSA. How about a good campaign on washing your hands – we don’t have to walk several miles just to get a bucket of water – use it, and some soap.
So, I think this a little far fetched.
Africa is now South of Spain and Italy [rather than under] – I am glad it made you laugh. If anyone visits my site, can they give feedback as to whether the background sound tracks slow their browser down considerably. I am getting too used to broadband services.
Keep up this excellent site.

Comment from sjhoward (author of the post)

    22.00, 10/06/2005

Thanks for your kind comments. As for the MRSA thing, I agree that Bibles may not be the foremost source of MRSA infections, but everything has to be taken into account. And there’s a fantastic handwashing campaign already going on – I have a bottle of alcohol gel on my desk as I type, and I don’t even work in hospitals day-to-day yet! Eventually, all beds will have alcohol gel dispensers next to them, and most wards already have them by the doors, so that you wash your hands on the way in and out.

Comment from sjhoward (author of the post)

    15.23, 30/07/2005

You may have noticed that the Make Poverty History band has gone now. Perhaps this is poetically symbolic of the fact that Africa has fallen out of the nation’s newly eased conscience now that Live 8 and the Make Poverty History rally have managed to secure less than one week’s Iraq-bombing budget in debt relief. Or perhaps it’s because I’ve tweaked the site design. Who can say?

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