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Medics Revue

Tonight was the Medics Revue, a common med school tradition whereby the students effectively ridicule the lecturers and other staff in their prescence. This was Durham’s first attempt, entitled ‘Medicine: The Musical’. And it was really very funny. There were only three people performing, and it must have taken them forever to get it all together. It really was excellent, including the Anatomy staff featuring on Blind Date competing for a date with Stefan (Histology Lecturer) by stating which artery they would be (Splenic, Aorta, and Pulmonary, as it happens), our Cardiovascular lecturer as James Bond, a version of West Side Story’s “America” entitled “I want to be in a Business Park”, and a slightly bizarre version of Tenacious D’s “Tribute”. And it raised lots of money for charity, too.

As something of a sidenote, there’s been a link to Amateur Transplants over in the sidebar for a while now, but there’s never really been an occasion to mention them – but as their CD featured in the Medics revue, it seems as good an occasion as any to encourage you to hop over there and buy a copy – it’s only £6, and it’s all in aid of Macmillan Cancer Relief.

This post was filed under: University.

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