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More than a penny for your thoughts

For the last year or so, I’ve been taking part in internet research with a couple of online companies, which basically involves filling in the odd survey they email to me. It’s not bad work – for five minutes here and there, I’ve earned over £35 in the last year – not bad going, I think! Which is why it surprises me that I’ve never blogged about it before. So, as I’ve just requested another £5 voucher for surveys answered, I thought now was as good a time as any to recommend the idea to you.

The two companies who’ve sent most surveys my way are Valued Opinions and YouGov. The former tend to be more generous than the latter – Valued Opinions tend to pay between £1 and £2 per survey (though some offer much, much more), and they’re generally quite short and sweet. They also pay out once your account balance reaches £5, which it obviously does quite quickly at that rate. YouGov tend to be a little more stingy, usually offering about 50p per survey, or just entry into a prize draw. Their surveys often take quite a while to complete, too, and you only get paid when your account balance reaches £50. However, surveys tend to land in your inbox more often with them, and you get paid by cheque whereas Valued Opinions pay you in shopping vouchers of your choice.

Of course, you’re never obliged to take part in any surveys if you don’t have the time or inclination to do so, but the more you take part in, the higher the account balance gets. Some of the surveys are quite interesting too, particularly when it’s research where companies are looking at launching new products, or adverts are being tested out – It’s fun to then see the results of the research hit the real world.

So there you go – it’s a good, easy, and relatively painless way of getting paid (admittedly not huge amounts) for doing relatively little. And isn’t that what we all want?

This post was filed under: Miscellaneous.

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Comments and responses

Comment from Fern

    07.15, 19/11/2005

I’m a great believer in giving “creative” answers to surveys I’m suspicious of. Why make it easier for the government to control your life or for consumption-driven industries to target their advertising?

Comment from sjhoward (author of the post)

    10.58, 19/11/2005

Good point – but then, who said anything about giving honest answers? 😉

Comment from Fern

    21.20, 19/11/2005

Oooh you are naughty.

Comment from sjhoward (author of the post)

    19.44, 30/11/2005

What can I possibly say? 😉

Though I’m currently doing a survey worth £12, so I don’t think I need to respond!

Comment from Online Paid Survey

    20.20, 02/10/2006

If you want to make it a living on the Online Paid Survey industry there are a few things that you absolutely need to know, heed my warning. Online Paid Survey

Comment from sjhoward (author of the post)

    09.30, 04/10/2006

I obviously can’t pass comment on other companies, but Valued Opinions and YouGov have always been fantastic, and paid out exactly as promised.

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