Of foiled and successful terrorist attacks

It’s always impossible to write a reaction to attempted terror attacks, like those on London earlier this week, or even successful ones, like that at Glasgow airport yesterday. In the face of this stuff, what is there really to say?
I could reflect on the fact that Mr Brown’s first days in office have probably been more challenging than he could have imagined, I could make some point about the politics of fear, or I could even write some gushing tribute to the brave emergency service staff.
But it all seems slightly redundant. So I’m not going to comment, at least not today. You can read what Mort Karman thinks here. You can infer my opinions from my responses to the London bombings of 2005, here and here. I’m considering reworking the latter article into something updated for Gazette Communities on Monday – it suddenly seems eerily relevant.
This post was filed under: News and Comment.