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PSA: Fake calls from fake me

I’ve been told that pranksters are using details on this site to call the CEO’s of various major companies pretending to be me, often regarding research proposals. The number usually used seems to be 0203 883 5035 (although there’s no reason another number couldn’t be used). Please ignore calls pretending to be from me from this number.

I don’t think I’ve ever cold-called a company’s CEO, but I suppose there’s always a first time. If you aren’t sure whether you’re speaking to real me or fake me, I’m always very happy for you to drop an email to sh@simonhoward.co.uk and I will reply to confirm.

If you want to know what I sound like – which certainly isn’t gruff, aggressive and rude like fake me – there are also a couple of YouTube videos featuring me!

This post was filed under: Site Updates.

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