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Sorry ’bout the niggles

I’m sorry for any problems you’ve been experiencing with the site over the last couple of days – some are my fault, some aren’t!

You may notice that some of the YouTube videos on the site are buggy, and don’t always seem to be appearing – particularly this one and this one.  I’ll be perfectly honest, and say I have no idea why that’s happening.  Parts of the YouTube site have been down for maintenance today, so I don’t know if it’s related to that.  If any kind reader knows, feel free to comment.

That brings us nicely to the second point – there was some disruption to the site tonight whilst I tweaked the way comments look, primarily because I personally found it frustrating to have to look down to the bottom of a comment to see the author before reading it.  So now the author’s name and website are featured prominently at the top, making them look something like mini-posts all of their own. Oh, and for added clarity throughout the site, external links in posts are now marked with this icon: .

In more positive news, last month was the first in which I attracted more than a quarter of a million hits, representing a 13% increase over the next-best month in the site’s history, and a 101% increase on the same month last year, despite a 48% decrease in the number of posts.

Thanks for sticking with me.  If you notice any other niggles, get in touch in the usual ways – email simon@sjhoward.co.uk, text ‘simon’ and your message to 60300 (or give me a laugh by sending a picture or video message to the same number – just remember to start the text portion with ‘simon’), leave me a voicemail on 0845 638 1916 or fax me on 0845 639 1918.  Charges for all of these services are detailed here.  All of these details are now in the sidebar for easy reference, too 🙂

This post was filed under: Site Updates.

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