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Photo-a-day 221: Wind turbine


This wind turbine is close to my office: it’s a sad, solitary wind turbine. I don’t know if it actually powers my office, but I think it powers the Eco Centre next to it.

This post was filed under: Photo-a-day 2012, .

Photo-a-day 216: Pretty fountain


This pretty fountain sits outside the equally pretty South Shields Town Hall. The building dates back to 1910, but I’m not sure when the fountains arrived!

This post was filed under: Photo-a-day 2012, .

Photo-a-day 163: Pylons


It seems I forgot to take a photo yesterday… oops! Instead, here’s one of the Tyne from South Shields, including some totally massive electricity pylons carrying cables over the Tyne at a height that allows huge ships to pass beneath. I don’t think I’ve seen pylons as tall anywhere else!

This post was filed under: Photo-a-day 2012, , .

Photo-a-day 151: Tyne Tunnel ventilation shafts

Tyne Tunnel ventilation shafts

Yesterday, I wrote about the Tyne Pedestrian and Cyclist tunnels. Today, I’m showing the ventilation shafts from the vehicular tunnel. The one in the foreground is the south shaft, and if you look carefully, the north shaft is across the river in the background.

In fact, the ventilation shafts are no longer in use, as the tunnels (now plural) now have a rather more sophisticated ventilation system. However, these twin ventilation shafts have become such local landmarks that they have been retained.

This post was filed under: Photo-a-day 2012, , .

Photo-a-day 150: Wooden escalator

Tyne Pedestrian and Cycle Tunnels escalator

I visited the Tyne Pedestrian and Cyclist Tunnels for today’s picture of the day – the only place I know of which has a byelaw specifically forbidding defection on the premises. Actually, there are many more interesting things about the 61-year-old tunnels than that, including the longest wooden escalators in the world.

I’ve wanted to visit the tunnels for quite some time, and ended up taking quite a few photos. Instead of clogging up the main blog with them all, I’ve stuck them all together on a page, along with some more background info – so have a look!

This post was filed under: Photo-a-day 2012, , , .

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