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The leader of the free world wants a wee-wee

This was from today’s Guardian (also on the Newsblog, here). It could so easily have been an internet fake sent round by email, but it’s a genuine picture from the UN. I’m not sure whether that’s good or bad, particularly with his clearly poor linguistic skills: Why’s half of it capitalised? Is it some kind of sign?!

Bush: I think I might need a bathroom break

Anyway, since I’ve stolen it from the Grauny, it only seems polite to include their copy as well:

Schoolboys through the ages have raised their hands with a pained look on their faces and a blurted: “Please, Miss!” — but what is a US president to do?

Faced with a suddenly pressing need to go to the toilet at Wednesday’s UN summit, George Bush turned to the woman whose job it is to guide him through the constraints of diplomacy, secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice. “I think I MAY NEED A BATHROOM break. Is this possible?” the president wrote, resorting to capitals to convey the urgency of the situation. The pencilled note, during a security council meeting, was spotted by a Reuters photographer.

It was not clear whether the leader of the free world got his wish — the White House made no comment.

That photographer deserves a raise. At the very least.

This post was filed under: News and Comment.

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Comments and responses

Comment from Thomas Wainthorpe

    21.22, 16/09/2005

This proves that the President is only human after all.

Comment from sjhoward (author of the post)

    21.39, 16/09/2005

Well… not really… he could still be a shaved gorilla 😉

Trackback from elsewhere on the site

21st November 2005.

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sjhoward.co.uk » 62m Americans wanted this guy’s finger on the button…

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