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Tomato attack on Priminister

Harry Meade accepted an ill-spelt Public Order Act fixed penalty notice from the Metropolitan Police stating: “You threw a tomato at the Priminister (sic)”

It’s good to know that we’ve got such highly trained and skilled police officers protecting us from the terrors of tomato attacks. Personally, I think that Harry was probably wrong to accept the order, and should have contested it since he never threw anything at anybody known as the Priminister. But then, judging the level of intelligence demonstrated by Mr Meade through his actions and description of them, perhaps he never realised there was any mistake:

We spotted him (Mr Blair) pulling up in a black saloon at the back door. I managed to fire off two tomatoes and they hit the door frame of the building, splattering his suit with juice and seeds, which he brushed off. He looked very hacked off

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Comments and responses

Comment from Pammy

    12.48, 19/03/2007

I think Harry Meade is a sad person and do not know why he is so proud that splattered Tony Blair with tomatoes but maybe expressing his views in a more positive manner may have been more productive.
I do not know who Harry Meade is or what his background is but I believe we all need to think of who we are and how we do things. If we want to make a difference we need to do our homework and express ourselves in a positive way as to why we disagree with how our lives are affected by government policy.
I just believe his statement shows he has strong views about something. If he has access to the Internet why not use the Internet to say something positive by looking up Government/ local MP sites state his problem to as many as he wishes to it would be far more effective. He would make his views / concerns credible. He could get others within his community to back him up. I just think if you truly want to make a difference for the things you have a problem with, do your homework on that problem put that into a positive statement to the right people and the Internet makes that so easy to achieve.

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