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Tony Blair’s Period

Tony Blair, our Prime Minister There’s a title I never thought I’d be writing. I refer, of course, to his little performance in the Commons today:

The UK rebate will remain and we will not negotiate it away. Period.

His choice of American idiom has caused something of a storm. As the ObserverBlog puts it,

Has someone, like, just come back from the States, or what?

I have to say that his particular choice of word doesn’t particularly bother me: It just highlights how out-of-touch he is with the British people. And that hardly constitutes news.

But with Mrs Blair yesterday and Mr Blair today, one does have to wonder if this blog is turning into something of a family affair. Tomorrow: Meet Ewan.

Not really.

This post was filed under: News and Comment, Politics.

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Comment from Charles Hapsburg

    23.54, 11/06/2005

Negotiate? When the European majority can no longer tolerate the undeserved unfair special deal that the UK of GB & NI is getting, the rebate will be canceled, and if the UK of GB & NI wants to stay in the EU club with all of its benefits and privileges it will have to pay the going rate.

European Union — membership has its privileges!

Comment from sjhoward (author of the post)

    12.15, 12/06/2005

Ah, but the simple question is whether or not it is undeserved (I think it probably is – to say it was deserved decades ago and thus is automatically deserved today seems something of a flawed argument to me)

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