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UK lines up Guantánamo-style Torture Reality TV Show

I find the opposition to this very surprising.

The whole point of the show will surely be to show how terrible torture is, and how evidence gained through torture is of questionable value. And since we in the UK still accept evidence obtained through torture, surely it’s a very valid thing to investigate.

This is very sick just when you thought the propagandists couldn’t get more sleazy now they are going to have a show on TV in the UK about torture and the effects of it.

I don’t understand how this show can be seen as ‘sleazy’. I certainly don’t expect that it will be pleasant to watch, and I highly doubt it will be a glossy, polished show.

Now they are gonna do it for real on tv for all to watch this is so grotesque i don’t think that show will last long.

It should be extremely grotesque, and that’s the point. The show shouldn’t last long. There is no reason to make a second series. Once the point has been made, and the terrible images of torture burned on the mind of the nation, then there is no need to continue.

I think this will be a horrifically distressing show to watch, and it should make a very powerful point. To that end, I hope that it will be extremely controversial – the more controversial the show is, surely the more controversial the use of torture will become.

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